Mittwoch, 17. April 2013

QPTool - A swelling process simulator running on GPU (CUDA, OpenGL)

This post is about my recent work. A swelling process simulator (german: Quellprozess) with glass fibers. The project is running at the IKGB Department of the University of Freiberg (East Germany). I have been working mostly on my own, doing this besides of my master study for one year and it makes a lot of fun. The simulator is open source, licensed under GPL v3, so you can grab the source from git (qptool). At the moment third party libraries are not provided, but they can be obtained from the web. I will post a running application here, when v1.0.0 is released.

The swelling process is driven by 'expanding' hydrogen gas bubbles within the fluid concrete. It is a part of the production process of the AAC, a really versatile, lightweight, cheap precast building material. That hydrogen gas is triggered by a really small amount of aluminium powder in the raw mix. The gas can escape later and in the end the pores contains just air.

To improve the properties of the AAC, (alkali-resistant) glass fibers will be added to the raw mix. The swelling process will distribute the fibers. The simulation helps to understand the movements and directions of the fibers from beginning to the end of the whole swelling process.

QPTool is written in C++, Qt 4.7.4, CUDA 5.0, OpenGL 3. The simulation and visualization is completely done on the (Nvidia) GPU. This gives a good framerate even for medium sized simulations (131k Spheres, 8k Fibers at ~16 FPS). The pores are just expanding spheres, following the Cherrypit Model. The fibers are just lines in the simulation colliding only with spheres (no fiber-fiber interaction), since the glass fibers are very thin.

  • Simple Raycast-Shader (e.g. Spheres are computed in Shader)
  • Multipass Raycast-Shader with Shadows and Edge Filter
  • Geometry Renderer (using instancing technique, but it is slower and uglier than simple raycast-shader)
  • CUDA driven physics engine
  • Using uniform space subdivision (based on SDK example 'particles' from Nvidia)
  • Slice-cutting computation (simulates cutting of the concrete block)
  • User can create fiber clusters with preferred directions
  • Real-data based and generic distribution of end radii of pores
  • Distribution of pores and fibers
  • Radii of pores
  • Fiber directions (phi/theta diagram)
  • ...
  • Recording long-term simulations into video alongside with statistics
  • Benchmark tool to compare algorithms
  • Export simulation data to csv for further processing
  • Import simulation data
  • Session and simulation setting management
  • ...

Just some pictures:

Comparison Shader vs. Geometry
Fiber Clusters
QPTool v0.9.7
Radius Distribution
Slice cutting the block

- S. Matthes: My boss :) He does the higher mathematics and experimental investigations for this simulation. Thanks for all the great discussions and for giving me this opportunity.
- Prof. B. Steinbach, allowing me to use an office room for free (including Desktop PC with Nvidia GPU of course :) )
- Nvidia, CUDA, Simon Green, SDK Demo 'particles'.
- Qt (used Qt 4.7.4), Qwt, Qxt / libqxt
- CAviFile Class, Xvid Encoder used for recording tool (video rendering)
- ...

Further sources which I used or adapted or helped me to understand the things better
- FastDelegate
- PixelBufferObjects Class
- Camera Control Class
- several tutorials over the web about OpenGL buffer objects, renderbuffer, framebuffer, shader instancing, shadows shader, ... (take the appropriate buzzword and google it)
- Christian Sigg (GPU-Based Ray-Casting of Quadratic Surfaces)
- Article on Molecules: Enhancing Molecules using OpenGL ES 2.0
- ... and many more ... :)

v0.9.7 still has some bugs and cylinder impostor shader is not finished yet.

Donnerstag, 5. Juli 2012

Dienstag, 29. Mai 2012

Kleine Linksammlung ([GP]GPU, Hardware)


CUDA Webinars (Online Präsentationen zu CUDA und GPGPU Techniken):

Zur GT300/GF100 bzw. Fermi Architektur

Artikel zur GTX 470/480 und Fermi-Architektur
("Vergleich" mit ATi HD5870)

CUDA und OpenCL Vergleich und Missverständnisse

CUDA Supported GPUs:

GPGPU/CUDA Einführung, Workflow (ausführliche Informationen mit Tipps&Tricks)

Nomenklatur Nvidia GeForce

Die Namensgebung von Nvidia ist äußerst "interessant". Anbei ein paar Auflistungen zur möglichen Entwirrung.
Hinweise: Die Bezeichnung der Chiparchitektur müssen nicht immer mit den Modellbezeichnungen 1-zu-1 übereinstimmen. Auch bedeutet eine höhere Modellnummer nicht automatisch bessere Technik. Neuauflagen (Rebranding) älterer Grafikchips sind zu berücksichtigen. So verwenden die GTS 240/250 noch den G92b Chip, während sonst die Geforce 200 Serie auf GT2xx Chip basiert. Modelle wie GT 320 verwenden noch den GT2xx Chip. Die GT 330 verwendet sogar noch den G92b Grafikchip.

Geforce 9 Modelle wurden später einfach umbenannt und finden sich als GT 1xx wieder. Die Umbenennung schließt die Lücke zwischen der 9er Serie und der nachfolgenden GT200 Architektur, wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe. Eine Geforce 9500 GT heißt dann Geforce GT 120. GT200 ist dann als Nachfolger die eigentliche Tesla Architektur und entsprechende Modelle heißen bspw. GT 240 oder GTX 285. Der Grafikchip GT300 führt die Fermi Architektur ein und begründet wieder eine neue Kodierung: GF100. Analog bei der Kepler Architektur mit GK100. Mit der GT100er/200er Serie kommt generell ein neues Bezeichnungsschema für die GPU-Modelle zum Einsatz:
  • G oder kein Suffix – Low-Budget
  • GT – Mainstream
  • GTS – Performance
  • GTX – High-End
CUDA Generation Codename Grafikchip Beispielmodelle
1 (Unified Shader Architecture) G80, G92[b], G94, G96[b], G98 Geforce 8800GT, Geforce 9800GT, ...
siehe auch Geforce 100 Serie
2 Tesla GT200[b], GT215, GT216, GT218 GT 240, GTX 285, ...
GT320, GT 340, ...;  
Tesla C1060
(Geforce 405)
3 Fermi GF100, GF104, GF106, GF108;
GF110, GF114,...
GT 440, GTX 470;
GT 520, GTX 570, GTX 580;
GT 605, GT 620, GT 645
4 Kepler GK104, GK107, GK108, GK114,... GT 630, GTX 670, GTX 680, GTX 690
5 (>=2013) Maxwell


OpenGL / DirectX

Warum DirectX inzwischen so verbreitet ist, obwohl OpenGL mindestens wenn nicht sogar bessere Chancen hatte:
API use was shifted in favor of DirectX by Microsoft's two-pronged DirectX campaign around the launch of XBox 360 and Windows Vista, including the spread of FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) about the future of OpenGL, and wild exaggeration of the merits of DirectX. Ever since then, the network effects have amplified this discrepency until OpenGL has almost disappeared entirely from mainstream PC gaming.

Artikel contra OpenGL,2019-10.html

Gegenüberstellung einiger Features für OpenGL und DirectX


Maxwell GPUs mit ARM Rechenkerne (2011 kaufte Nvidia ARM Lizenzen, siehe auch Nvidia Tegra):


Mittwoch, 11. April 2012

Linux/Kubuntu - Qt + Cuda + QtCreator

"Cuda Toolkit 4.1 and Qt4 on Linux"

It is time for another tutorial. Today we want to setup Qt+Cuda on Linux/Kubuntu. It is recommend to install Qt from the repositories. In the 3rd section I also wrote down the instructions for compiling Qt from scratch. If you find some oddities, just leave a comment (this isn't the best HowTo, I am still learning).

1. GPU Drivers + CUDA Toolkit 4.1 + CUDA SDK
2. QtCreator and Qt4 Example Project with CUDA
3. Compile Qt4 from scratch (optional)
4. Tools - Debugging and Profiling


My System:
- Kubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) at 32bit.
- g++ v4.5, gcc v4.5 (4.6 and up is not supported by cuda toolkit 4.1, see here)
- Qt 4.7.4 (dev-tools, qtcreator)

- Cuda Toolkit 4.1 + SDK (got Ubuntu 11.04 & 32bit)
- qt4_mandelbrot (Qt4 example project with Cuda kernel)


1. Get the NVidia / CUDA stuff installed:

I've got here:

1.1 Drivers
First of all we update our nvidia drivers. After I got some troubles with the downloaded drivers (blue colored videos^^) the following did it for me.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nvidia-current

I've uninstalled all the nvidia drivers before, but maybe you don't have to. I did a backup of my /etc/X11/xorg.conf and stopped the x-server (ctrl+alt+F1 and sudo stop kdm, then purging my old nvidia stuff, then run the commands from above and finally sudo start kdm to get back, I hope you wont need to do that).

Now I have NVidia driver version 295.40.

(Refs:, hecticgeek)

1.2 Toolkit
Just run:
sudo ./

Edit your .bashrc:
export PATH=/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

To install the gpu computing sdk, just run as user:

The examples are not build yet, you actually have to run make in ~/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK, but in most cases errors will occur.

Error Messages:

"unsupported GNU version! gcc 4.6 and up are not supported!",
Install gcc-4.5 and g++-4.5 as a second compiler and softlink to it in /usr/local/cuda/bin
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-4.5 /usr/local/cuda/bin/gcc

rendercheck_gl.cpp:(.text+0x119b): undefined reference to 'gluErrorString'
cannot find -lcuda
Lib paths are messed up in and (see here). Path to nvidia_current is missing. I have uploaded a patched version.

Download Patch

Maybe you have to edit the path to your nvidia driver where libcuda and others are located. Edit in that downloaded patch the files and at the beginning:
# ### patch for finding libcuda
NVIDIA_CURRENT = /usr/lib/nvidia-current/

There are still some errors in the freeImageInteropNPP in CUDALibraries, but I dont care for the moment. The examples can be compiled in NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/C/ directly. I run deviceQuery to check if installation was successfull.
~/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/C/bin/linux/release$ ./deviceQuery

If this is working for you, then everything with cuda is fine. If you got "./deviceQuery: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory", then you forgot to add the cuda libs to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.


2. Qt4 Projects with CUDA on Linux

Start your QtCreator and create a new project (or download qt4_mandelbrot as example). My structure is:
qt4_mandelbrot - source code
qt4_mandelbrot/obj - object code including cuda object code
qt4_mandelbrot/bin - binaries

// I've disabled the shadow build option in the qt4 project settings, because I configured the directories in the .pro file on my own.

For the .pro file cuda settings I refer to this site. You also can have a look at the qt4_mandelbrot project.

In QtCreator you need to set the build environment. Go to Projects and add to the Build Environment a new variable "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" with "/usr/local/cuda/lib". Check if the execution environment has this setting as well.

Press Ctrl+B or Ctrl+R to build/run the project.


3. Qt4 - compile it from scratch (optional)

- Qt Environment (Download Page)
- - Qt Sourcecode (tar.gz) (v4.8.1)
- - Qt Creator (32bit Binary, v2.4.1)

untar source code:
tar -xf qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.1.tar.gz

configure Qt for compilation ("-release", "-shared" are actually default)
./configure -release -shared -no-qt3support -no-webkit -optimized-qmake -no-multimedia -no-phonon -nomake examples -nomake demos

compile and install (takes a while, runs with two jobs at once cuz I have two CPUs):
sudo make install -j2

install qt creator
chmod +x qt-creator-linux-x86-opensource-2.4.1.bin

start qt creator and set path to qmake (Qt Creator - Tools - Options: Qt Versions):

Now you can try a qt application created by the project wizard of Qt Creator. Press Ctrl+R to compile and run.

To get access to Qt on shell/console, you have to extend the PATH variable. Edit .profile and .bashrc (home directory) and add:
export PATH=/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.8.1/bin/:$PATH

Qt: cd /pathto/qt_source and sudo make uninstall
QtCreator: cd /pathto/qtcreator/ and run ./uninstall


4. Tools - Debugging and Profiling
For debugging you can try DDD (sudo apt-get install ddd):
ddd --debugger cuda-gdb ./application

If you just have a single GPU you can't debug local kernels yet. Since NSight 2.2 enables Single-GPU debugging again (NSight is only for Windows/VisualStudio), I hope the upcoming Toolkit 4.2 will do this for Linux as well.

For informations on memory leaks and access errors just use cuda-memcheck (see manual ;) ).

To profile the gpu site you can use the nvidia profiler (nvvp). Just run nvvp and open your binary into a new session.

You can profile (the host site) with gprof or oprofile. gprof needs the compiler flag -pg that is also available in nvcc. Just have a look at the .pro file coming with this tutorials example project. To get a profile you have to run the binary, which creates a gmon.out for the gprof profiler. Now you can generate a readable output:
gprof ./qt4_mandelbrot > output.txt

oprofile (sudo apt-get install oprofile oprofile-gui).
"OProfile is a system-wide profiler for Linux systems, capable of profiling all running code at low overhead. [...] OProfile leverages the hardware performance counters of the CPU [...]" (oprofile website)

So oprofile offers CPU and hardware based profiling which gprof doesn't. For usage I just refer to this site. If you want to read more about the sampling methods and the advantages of oprofile, so read this site.


Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2012

Rectangle Free Grid Coloring - 21x12 and 18x18 Grid With Four Colors

As Steinbach already has posted his solution on Computational Complexity, I give an eye compatible version here ...

18x18 Grid With Four Colors

18x18 Grid Rectangle Free Four Coloring 18x18 Grid Rectangle Free Four Coloring
Rectangle Free Four Coloring of 18x18 Grid, found by B. Steinbach and C. Posthoff

21x12 Grid With Four Colors

21x12 Grid Rectangle Free Four Coloring 21x12 Grid Rectangle Free Four Coloring
Rectangle Free Four Coloring of 21x12 Grid, found by B. Steinbach and C. Posthoff

Monochromatic Rectangle in 18x18 Grid For a given complete bipartite graph K(m,n) you have to color its edges with c (e.g. c=4) colors. If you find a coloring such that there is no monochromatic rectangle in K(m,n) then you will have a rectangle free c-coloring of K(m,n). A grid is defined by the adjacency matrix of K(m,n). Each element is a number that indicates the edge color. Figures from above represents such a matrix with m=21 rows and n=12 columns. There are no four points forming a same colored rectangle such as you can see on the right figure.

The Zarankiewicz-Problem is a subproblem of the Grid Coloring Problem. Zarankiewicz asks for the minimum number of edges you have to insert into an empty bipartite graph such that there will be formed a rectangle as subgraph. Due to the pigeonhole principle the number of monochromatic edges of one color has to meet [mn/c] in the wanted four-coloring. If it does not then the Grid will not be c-colorable without monochromatic rectangles. Hence you have to solve the Zarankiewicz Problem for disproving a c-coloring of a grid.

B. Steinbach was able to solve the last open problems in the class of four-colorings (17x17, 17x18, 18x17, 18x18, 21x12), so he also found the bipartite Ramsey Number BR(2,4)=19 (similar to Ramsey Numbers, just take complete bipartite graphs with monochromatic bicliques). He worked together with Christian Posthoff on these problems. I was lucky to take part in this progress, even though I only was a witness. On one day I asked Bernd Steinbach again, if he had found some new results on the four coloring of the 21x12 problem. I knew that he again subjected a SAT solver to a very deep interrogation on the previous day. So Steinbach was speaking without any emotion about fifteen minutes that everything had been failed, what actually was the normal answer as always, and he finished with a little smile: "then he (SAT solver) got it".

First we really had our doubts and we were about to develop algorithms to prove that there could not be any 4-coloring. Well, my doubts were derived from Steinbach, admittedly I had no idea how to solve this problem. B. Steinbach created a very special sub-solution, which involved an ordered solution of the 21x12 Zarankiewicz-Problem, of course.

But the sub-solution was much more complicated. Steinbach explained it to me on the same day, but the "head" of that sub-solution looked very chaotic to me. After I understood I was stunned again by the system of chaos. O.k., I have to stop here for the sake of fairness. Steinbach will publish all the details on it soon but it will take some time. He did a great work, you will like it.


I have been playing around with the 21x12 solution to find the relationship between the color classes and the reduced latin squares of order 4, according to the Zarankiewicz Problem (see my upcoming paper). You will recognize the structure in the following pictures:

21x12 grid coloring - sorted solution 121x12 grid coloring - sorted solution 221x12 grid coloring - sorted solution 321x12 grid coloring - sorted solution 4
Each color class has been sorted, I use always the red color for the sake of readability. You also can see the Slot Architecture (matrix head (4,4,4) partition). The next figures show the structure of the four reduced latin squares in the adjacency matrix. One 3-bit pattern has to be expanded to three 2-bit patterns (see my upcoming paper).
21x12 zarankiewicz problem - sorted solution 121x12 zarankiewicz problem - sorted solution 221x12 zarankiewicz problem - sorted solution 321x12 zarankiewicz problem - sorted solution 4

As I worked out in my paper, the position of the last bits (highlighted) can be written in a tableau with four rows and four columns, so the Reduced Latin Squares of Order 4 are obtained:
reduced latin squares of order 4
The last three reduced latin squares belong to the same isotopy class (also isomorphic in this case, and relabeling means switching columns). Well, these structures are very interesting, but I have to make a break here. I hope the pictures are inspiring enough.
Upcoming Paper: B. Steinbach, Ch. Posthoff: "Solution of the Last Open Four-Colored Rectangle-free Grid - an Extremely Complex Multiple-Valued Problem", 43rd International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (2013), submitted.